The Four of Pentacles: Embracing or Clinging? Discovering the Yes or No Essence
June 25, 2023 3 min read

The Four of Pentacles: Embracing or Clinging? Discovering the Yes or No Essence

By Hannelie Pretorius

The Four of Pentacles in the Tarot represents the interplay between embracing abundance and clinging to possessions. It urges us to find a balance in our relationship with material wealth, recognizing its value without allowing it to define us. We should release our attachment to possessions, make decisions from a place of confidence, and embrace the flow of abundance in our lives.

In the realm of Tarot, each card holds a unique story, a tale of symbols, and a profound meaning waiting to be deciphered. The Four of Pentacles is one such card, often raising questions about our relationship with possessions and our attachment to material wealth. Does it symbolize a healthy embrace of abundance, or does it hint at the dangers of clinging to what we have?

The Power of Possession:

The Four of Pentacles is a card that embodies the essence of material wealth and stability. Depicting a figure seated upon a throne, with pentacles tightly grasped in their hands and beneath their feet, this card suggests a strong connection to the material world. The figure's posture exudes a sense of control and possession, as if protecting what is rightfully theirs.

However, this depiction also raises questions about the nature of possession. Are the pentacles a symbol of abundance or a representation of greed? The Four of Pentacles serves as a reminder that the pursuit of material wealth can lead to a dichotomy of embracing abundance or becoming trapped by it.

Embracing Abundance:

On one hand, the Four of Pentacles teaches us the art of embracing abundance. It reminds us of the importance of stability, financial security, and the need to create a foundation upon which we can build our dreams. The figure's firm grip on the pentacles may signify a desire to protect and nurture their wealth, using it wisely to manifest their aspirations.

Embracing abundance also means acknowledging the flow of resources in our lives. It encourages us to recognize the value of generosity, sharing our wealth and knowledge with others. By releasing our fears of scarcity and trusting in the universe's abundance, we open ourselves up to a cycle of giving and receiving.

The Dangers of Clinging:

On the other hand, the Four of Pentacles serves as a warning against clinging too tightly to our possessions. The figure's tight grip on the pentacles could indicate a fear of losing what they have acquired. This fear can lead to stagnation, isolation, and an inability to move forward in life.

By holding on too tightly, we limit our potential for growth and miss out on new opportunities. The Four of Pentacles reminds us that true abundance is not measured solely by material possessions, but by the richness of our experiences, relationships, and personal growth. It encourages us to let go of our attachment to possessions and embrace the fluidity of life.

The Yes or No Essence:

The Four of Pentacles also holds a special significance when it comes to decision-making. Its presence in a reading may indicate a need to weigh the pros and cons of a situation carefully. The card asks us to reflect upon our motivations and assess whether we are holding onto something out of fear or genuine necessity.

While the Four of Pentacles may not provide a straightforward "yes" or "no" answer, it urges us to consider the underlying factors that influence our choices. It prompts us to question whether we are making decisions based on a scarcity mindset or from a place of confidence and abundance.


The Four of Pentacles represents a delicate dance between embracing abundance and clinging to possessions. It serves as a reminder to find balance in our relationship with material wealth, recognizing its value without allowing it to define us. By embracing abundance, releasing our attachment to possessions, and making decisions from a place of confidence, we can navigate the path of the Four of Pentacles with grace and wisdom.